
Francesco D’Alessandro – Citizens’ wishes and Cineforum Kids

3. Francesco D'Alessandro Cineforum Kids 320508199 500595378804760 5398439388514658228 n Athena D'Orazio

About the learner: Francesco D’Alessandro is a […]

Fabio Angelozzi – Notes of social justice

4. Fabio Angelozzi – Notes of social justice

About the learner: The Italian participant, Fabio, […]

Patrizia di Nella – Dolus

6. Dolus Patrizia di Nella 321443640 692799028887281 4914981089291999638 n Athena D'Orazio

About the learner: Patrizia Di Nella is […]

Ermes Angelozzi – I Have a dream to live safe

About the learner: The Italian participant, Ermes […]

Tania Troiani – Museum digitalisation Party

8.Tania Troiani Museum digitalisation Party Immagine WhatsApp 2022 12 22 ore 10.59.45 Athena D'Orazio

About the learner: Tania Troiani she has […]

Gianni Bona – Il Cenacolo di Michetti

9.Gianni Bona Immagine WhatsApp 2022 12 31 ore 10.58.09 Athena D'Orazio

Gianni Bona created a tourist-cultural trail inspired […]

Mara Calcagni and Raffaella Vollaro – Il Filo del Quarticciolo

10. Mara Calcagni and Raffaella Vollaro Il Filo del Quarticciolo 316545471 10159479374963111 988424090897911954 n Athena D'Orazio (1)

About the learners: Raffaella Vollaro graduated in […]