Centre for Community Dialogue and Change
A website about the Theatre of the Oppressed. It is now used all over the world for social and political activism, for resolution of individual and group struggles, community building, therapy, and treatment, and in the making of government legislations.
Benefits of Co-design in Service Design Projects
An article of an overview of benefits of co-design in service design projects is presented, in order to help the people involved to articulate which benefits to aim for
The Art Story: Queer Art
A website that summarises the history of Queer Art from the beginning until today.
She’s gone
She’s gone is an art installation protesting against the global phenomenon of gender-based murder performed by spouses and other family members. The installation sends a cry of silence on behalf of all innocent victims who were murdered because they were women. 47,000 women and girls worldwide are murdered by their intimate partners of other family members every year. Some cases have never been solved.
What Is Community Anyway?
An article explaining about the importance of understanding the communities.