
Fabio Angelozzi – Notes of social justice

About the learner:

The Italian participant, Fabio, is studying in Denmark at DNS College as a pedagogue. Despite being young, he has accumulated numerous artistic experiences, including concerts, theater performances, and street actions. He has also formed a group with other students from his school, who collectively refer to themselves as “The Weird Ones.”


About the project:

Fabio Angelozzi used music to send a message of social justice.

He organized a musical performance with the aim of conveying a message to the community. By reinterpreting a well-known Italian song from a few years ago in his own unique way, he intended to provoke thought and spark a reflection among the audience regarding social justice. The song’s lyrics, “If only one song were enough,” were used as a means to engage in a debate and exchange of thoughts. This event aimed to highlight the power of music in facilitating collective reflections, as it brings the community together. Furthermore, he wanted to emphasize the idea that everyone has the capacity to contribute something meaningful to the community, as echoed in the lyrics of “if only one song were enough.”

The project was supported by MeltingPro.