Community Engagement: Collaborating for Change
Learn principles and strategies for engaging global communities through partnerships, research, service, and learning
Networking as an Artist
What is networking and why is it important for an artist to do? Podcast by Thriving Women Artists based in Amsterdam, tell you why, give their experiences, and give you some great tips on how to network and build your own network of artists. Join the discussion on trust, self-confidence, and networking as a form of belonging to a community or different communities. Networking isn’t only about getting further in your career, it’s about surrounding yourself with likeminded people or people you can learn from or teach. Networking is about growth. Getting to build new relationships and gain new expertise from the people you’ve built those relationships with.
Creative Europe: how to build partnerships an Online course with Egle Deltuvaite
This video is a part of the online course on Creative Europe, European Union’s programme to support the cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors. How to put together a successful application, submit it to Creative Europe and find international partners? Creative Europe is EU’s largest grant programme, financing projects in the cultural and the audio-visual sector. You can access the full course in 8 languages
Teaching Community – A Pedagogy of Hope – Bell Hooks, Routledge New York and London, 2003
In Teaching Community bell hooks seeks to theorize from the place of the positive, looking at what works. Writing about struggles to end racism and white supremacy, she makes the useful point that “No one is born a racist. Everyone makes a choice.
The Art of Regeneration, Urban Renewal through Cultural Activity, Bianchini, F., Greene, L., Landry, C., Matarasso, F.
This paper is about the arts, social responsibility and sustainable development and presents how the arts and culture can play a significant role in regenerating communities.
Heather Fraser’s Four different approaches to community participation
This paper explores some of the politics of community work by examining four basic community participation approaches.