
Community Café Ljubljana Slovenia

On April 15th APIS Institute organised an Art is Us event to present the learning opportunities offered within the scope of the project: free e-learning programme, art residency opportunity along with mentoring and production support for selected ideas to develop prototypes. The event was visited by Latin-Americans, Turkish, Iranians, Uzbekistanis and Egyptians living in Slovenia along with refugees coming from many different countries. Romana Zajec from APIS Institute presented “ABC – Art for Building Community microlearning courses”, and the residency programme opportunity. Meta Štular from Center Rog presented opportunities that creative hub Center Rog will offer to the Art is Us learners.

Participants were invited to sign up for the free online learning opportunity and to join the international creative learning community. Furthermore, they were invited to think about the challenges their communities are facing and to develop project ideas to address them through creativity. Supporting creativity in migrant and refugee communities is essential – creativity being a channel through which everyone can express themselves by bypassing (language and cultural) barriers and contributing towards the betterment of society at the same time. The selection of project ideas proposed will be supported by Center Rog’s mentoring and production capacity and the prototypes will be presented in the final exhibition in 2023 in Ljubljana.

Here is a short video of the event: