E-Booklet Creative Gym. Training Exercises For Cultural Managers.

A collection of essays and case studies, a product that brings together the most innovative practices related to training, formal and informal, for the cultural sector and some exemplary case studies. Its structure is based on the analysis of skills identified as innovative and strategic: entrepreneurship, fundraising, digital, audience development and others.
Urban Stories: Practices of urban and social innovation in Europe

Practices of urban and social innovation in Europe promotes good practices of grassroots, culture-led urban and social innovation processes across Europe. The good practice of this episode is Bitamine Faktoria – a unique approach halfway between artistic processes and cultural management, with a high impact on the community.
Top 5 Inspirational Fundraising Campaigns

If you’re in need of a strong dose of inspiration to kick-start your campaign, these 5 should do the trick
SMART Objectives

Objectives set out what a business is trying to achieve. They should be based on organisational strategy and be aligned with corporate vision, mission and values. Objectives may be set at the level of the whole organisation or at divisional, department, team or individual levels
Hey artists, you need a budget!

A video to get an overview of the steps needed to create your first budget